The key to becoming a profitable trader and growing your account slowly but surely in a sustainable way is consistency. Consistency is synonymous with duration, of solidity, of building something stable and enduring over time, that does not easily disappear. When a trader starts to invest, most of the mistakes he makes are related to his emotions, impatience and poor risk management. These mistakes can lead to your trading account being scrapped in much less time than you think. That is why, at the beginning, the most important thing should not be thinking about winning if not rather do not jump your account by the air at the first change, endure and at the same time learn from mistakes. When you start a project, whether entering the world of trading forex or any other facet of life such as your professional activity, a business, sports ... on the way you will pass through good times but also for many moments Bad ones that will cause you disappointments, frustration and the d...
These articles discuss currency trading as buying and selling currency on the Forex market, trading basics, and tools and techniques.